Getting Great Reviews are Easy with our NEW Service!
A New Review Building Service from Webster Digital Marketing
The range of the types of customers a business sees on any given day is eclectic.
There’s the quiet customer type, who never says much but always pays on time or leaves a good tip, to the overly excited ones that talk your ear off but always have great things to say about your company. We all see a range and have our own stories.
Occasionally, we run into the dissatisfied, the upset, the irrational—and no matter what you do, say, or offer, they’re not happy. In today’s digital age, angry customers (or evenpeople you’ve never actually done business with) head straight to the computer to leave a bad review. “Everyone should know my distaste for this company!” they think.
Have you received a bad review before? It happens to the best of us. However, some businesses really suffer from a bad review, depending on the balance. That is- the balance of good reviews to bad. The ratio is about 5:1 good to bad reviews. That means if you receive one bad review, you need about 5 good reviews to counteract that in the potential customer’s mind. If you only have 3 good reviews at the time you receive a bad one, customers are likely to reconsider using your company altogether.
Did you know, 90% of consumers read online reviews before visiting a business?
Reviews are a huge part of driving more customers to purchase your services. Online shoppers want to know that they can trust your business, and nowadays, trust is all about the reviews. According to a survey by BrightLocal, 88 percent of customers trust online reviews just as much as a personal recommendation.
That means, if you aren’t offering user reviews, or not utilizing their marketing potential, you are missing out on a potential 88 percent of your buying population! Here are some more reasons we’ve touched on before on why you need to ask customers for reviews.
Why don’t your happy customers write reviews? They
(a) Never think to do so;
(b) Forget to do so; or
(c) Don’t know where or how to do so.
So, how do we remind customers to leave reviews and make is simple for them to do so? We’ve been trying to find a solution, and we’ve found it!
How Our Review Service Works
Drive more satisfied customers to leave you positive reviews with Webster Digital Marketing’s new review building service. Acquire authentic customer reviews and get a chance to communicate with unhappy customers before they leave a bad review.
This new service helps automate the review process through different campaign platforms like email and your website and optimize your reviews so they show on Google, Facebook, Yelp, and other industry-specific sites that matter to you. In addition, sites like Google and Yelp use good ratings to bring up your ranking, increasing your Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
The best part is Webster Digital Marketing can manage it for you! We can make the set up easy and take care of any overhead. We set up a personalized landing page like this one where customers go to leave their reviews, customized with your logo and any personal message you’d like displayed. You send us your email list and we can clean it up and import it into our review building tool. We will send out emails to a predetermined selection of customers every two weeks, updating the list with any new emails you may receive. If a customer decides to leave you a good review (4 or 5 stars usually), they are shown a selection of review sites (like Facebook, Google or Yelp) and given detailed instructions on how to leave a review. If they choose to leave a bad review (3 or fewer stars), they are sent to a contact form so the business can have a chance to turn unhappy customers into happy ones.
The facts are hard hitting. 72 percent of consumers will take action, BUT only after reading a positive review! You need to create a padding of positive reviews to protect your business. Simplify the process for your customers and gain more reviews to help increase SEO, customers, and sales.
Curious how easy it really is for your customers? Try it out! Rate Webster Digital Marketing and let us know what you think of us.
If you are interested in trying our new review building service, contact us today!